
Emory endnote key
Emory endnote key

emory endnote key

CEC and MBV are the guarantors of this work and as such had full access to all the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. All authors reviewed and contributed scientific expertise to the final manuscript. MBV and NS guided the overall design of the study and provided funding for this substudy and the parent study, respectively. JAA and MPB reviewed the body composition and metabolomics methods and assisted with the interpretation of findings.

emory endnote key emory endnote key

KU, TY, and DPJ provided guidance on the analysis and interpretation of the metabolomics data. VT performed the untargeted high-resolution metabolomics assay, and KL and KMM-S assisted with metabolite annotation and interpretation. NS and SC provided data from the parent study, and BP performed hepatic and abdominal fat calculations.

  • Emory Alumni conducted the metabolomics analyses and wrote the manuscript.

  • Emory endnote key