
Push the red button gif
Push the red button gif

push the red button gif push the red button gif push the red button gif

On The Airship, it is located in Meeting Room. On Polus, it is instead located in Office. On The Skeld and MIRA HQ, the emergency button is located in Cafeteria. The emergency button's location depends on the map, and is where all players gather during an emergency meeting (except The Airship). When the emergency button interface is opened, there is a clear cover that is lifted if the player is allowed to use the emergency button at that time, or closed around it if they are not. If any player sees "CREWMEMBER HAS 0 EMERGENCY MEETINGS LEFT", it means they cannot use it for the rest of the game. Attempting to do so will show the message "EMERGENCY MEETINGS CANNOT BE CALLED DURING CRISES". It cannot be used during any Sabotage, with the exception of Door Sabotage. The emergency button has a cooldown after an emergency meeting ends before it can be used again, which also depends on the game's options. Each player has a limited amount of times they can use the emergency button, depending on the game's options. The emergency button's function is for calling emergency meetings.

Push the red button gif